Mixology Contest ADRIATICO in Bordeaux

Mixology Contest ADRIATICO in Bordeaux

Lights, camera, action! The stage is set for a thrilling competition in the heart of Bordeaux, where talented bartenders are shaking things up with a unique twist. Picture this: a cocktail creation contest based on the theme of cinema, where mixologists from the Aquitaine region are challenged to create the perfect cocktail using the exquisite Amaretto ADRIATICO. We would like to thank Lea & Louna from Cheers Cocktail for the organization of this great contest.  


What happens when you combine the glamour of the silver screen with the artistry of mixology? A blockbuster event that transport you to a world of cinematic delight. These bartenders are not just crafting cocktails; they are creating masterpieces that tell a story with every sip.


Here's the podium :

  1. Swann (from Un bar avec des formes pour nom in Bordeaux) - The Grand Budapest Hotel
  2. Charles (from Les Cocktails de Charles in La Rochelle) - Russo Bianco
  3. Vicedo (from Hanzo in Bordeaux) - Charlie et la chocolaterie



  • 50ml Adriatico Roasted Almond
  • 30ml Cacao Hydrosol
  • 12.5ml Cherry Wine
  • Garnish: Adriatico Bianco Cabbage - Sweet Clover


  • 30ml Tonka bean infused vodka
  • 30ml Homemade coffee liqueur made with Adriatico amaretto
  • Mix in a mixing glass
  • 60ml Homemade parsnip cream
  • 50ml Adriatico Bianco
  • Stir one last time
  • Grated Tonka bean


  • 25ml Cognac
  • 15ml Amaretto ADRIATICO Roasted
  • 10ml Cocoa liqueur
  • 10ml Dry vermouth
  • 1 bar spoon Pedro Ximenes
  • 1 bar spoon balsamic vinegar
  • 2 dashes Sichuan pepper bitters
  • Hazelnut milk foam infused with Tonka bean

Amaretto ADRIATICO would like to warmly thank all the participants in this mixology contest, where they were able to showcase their creativity and originality!